Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Writing And Mathematics, Two Vital Mesopotamian Creations

Writing and Mathematics, Two vital Mesopotamian creations What kind of world would we live in without being able to write or perform mathematic functions? Writing and mathematics are two of the most indispensable creations crafted by the Mesopotamians that helped shaped our society as we know it today. The Mesopotamian conception of writing allowed society to keep records, to document events, and to establish a formal educational system. With the ability to keep records, a system of mathematics was recorded which assisted in development of monetary systems, a way to tell time, the ability to build buildings, and the skills to survey lands. The expansion of knowledge delivered by the creation of Mesopotamian writing and mathematics was crucial to building the cultural society that has evolved from Meopotamian times to the present. Cultural and social evolution relys on the understanding of the past and learning from our successes and our failures. Therfore, record keeping was crucial to the nurturing the evolution of society. With t he importance of record keeping being recognized, the Mesopotamians developed Cuneiform, the first recognized form of writing.. Initially, Cuneiform, meaning â€Å"wedge shaped†, existed as pictographs drawn in clay tablets by a stylus made of a reed. The tablet was baked in the sun making it practically indestructible. (World History book 7th edition) There were disadvantages to clay: large documents were heavy and once baked no changesShow MoreRelatedThe Evolution Of Music Throughout Ancient Egypt And Mesopotamia2480 Words   |  10 PagesRegardless of where they are located, almost all ancient civilizations share basic features. For example, most civilizations develop things such as a class system, a common religion, or a system of writing. Another mark of a successful civilization is the evolution of music. Since music is not essential to survival, its development is usually within a large established society. The purpose of music varies from civilization to civiliza tion, era to era. In some cultures, music accompanied religiousRead MoreThe Birth of Civilization18947 Words   |  76 Pageslearned how to increase harvests through irrigation and other methods. Much larger populations came together in towns, cities, and other centers, where they erected impressive structures and where industry and commerce flourished. They developed writing, enabling them to keep inventories of food and other resources. Specialized occupations emerged, complex religions took form, and social divisions increased. These changes marked the birth of civilization. ââ€"   EARLY HUMANS AND THEIR CULTURE HumansRead MoreA Picatrix Miscellany52019 Words   |  209 PagesOn the Moon and the Lunar Mansions IV. Extracts on the Moon V. The Mansions of the Moon: â€Å"On the Creation, Proportion and Composition of the Heavens for the Fashioning of Images† VI. The Picatrix: Lunar Mansions in Western Astrology VII. W. B. Yeats and â€Å"A Vision:† The Arab Mansions of the Moon On Ritual and Talismans Picatrix Astrological Magic Aphorisms Extracts on Planetary Ritual Clothing Twenty Two Benefic Astrological Talismans Astrology, Magical Talismans and the Mansions of the Moon Ritual

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